Conversation Between Josh_R and Xanatos

66 Visitor Messages

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  1. Like I said though one of these days. To hectic lately to get anything done. Got a good thing going on with my latest job, and I don't wanna screw it up. Therefore I don't have alot of freetime for stuff anymore.
  2. I'll hold you onto that then =)
  3. thanks man. One of these days I plan on taking a trip to Budapest, and will definitely be making a stop to visit you.
  4. Happy Birthday! All the best, man.
  5. Mistakes happen, even while sober and if you ever do happen to visit Budapest swing by for a beer or two, my place is like one country away =D
  6. haha thanks for correcting me on that. I have been doing a little drinking today, buddy of mines birthday.
  7. haha thats cool. I have many friends that greatly disagree with me on that one.
  8. You know, I love Digimon World 2 the most, granted it's a shitty and quite often tedious game to play.
  9. To be honest I wasn't even looking for bender as a pet. My friend has a Chimchar as a pet that he uses in his sig on a different forum. My favorite is Piplup so I was looking for it. Along the way I saw Bender. I had to get it. Bite my shiny metal ass would be a amazing addition to it.
  10. I see you have Bender as a pet, I couldn't help myself but to click on him, he's so cute with that beer. Though, something's obviously missing, I think "bite my shiny metal ass" quote right next to him would be perfect.
  11. It's in fact from Gargoyles, as you know the main villain was called David Xanatos and he's one of my favorite characters. The only time I've heard of that name before is in Star Wars.
  12. I have been wondering for the longest time what your username means. The only Xanatos I remember was from the show Gargoyles
  13. It doesn't necessarily mean that such things doesn't happen here or in Korea, in fact I'm sure they do but not so often.

    I can understand how difficult must have been for that dude, as you said he just wanted to make some friends who would help him get along more easily, after all he's far away from is country. But anyway, it's good too see that there are people like you Kisuke who don't judge or mock others by their nationality.
  14. It was horrible I felt bad for him, he was a nice guy who just wanted to make friends. I rememer my 11th grade year our football coach told us we had a new player on the team and out walks a 6 foot 8 giant with long blonde hair. He told us his name was Sebastian Johannson from Sweden. Apparently in Sweden he was a pro football player and he was only 17 big ol son of a bitch. He was a cool guy and it was interesting talking to him. No one made fun of him, they were all scared I would be too he was 275 lbs of muscle. I see mocking because they are from a different country quiet often here, I have talked to friends I have in Korea and those in the U.K. and like you they all tell me they havent heard of such a thing..
  15. That's just cruel. Here where I live we don't have a "student exchange program" but we do have students from foreign countries, to mock them just because they're from a different country is plain stupid. To be honest I've never seen someone do that, at least not here.
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