Conversation Between Josh_R and Rocky

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. Whatup scrub
  2. need to play dat league sometime
  3. Ahhh damn. Have been taking advantage of free top play Varus. got a 26-6 with him. Pretty good champ.
  4. its a unique passive so no, getting more dcaps dont make it stack.
  5. A question for TFF's resident LoL pro. Does Rabadon's Deathcap effect stack, the bonus 30%. Like if I get 3 deathcaps do the 30% stack on each other(does that make sense.)
  6. Dude I was so f*cking wasted when I played league with you this morning haha. Up all night hittin the bottle bro. I still suck with Olaf sober but can easily do better than a 0-14 or whatev
  7. So I was gonna add you on league of legends but my account is suspended for 3 days cause my internet connection went out, I reconnected but it apparently doesn't matter haha.
  8. I like it about 2 mins in when Shadows part starts. I'm just getting into to this dnb, and dubstep shit not to bad.
  9. I've listened to it a few times now, pretty good!

  10. Thought you might enjoy this.
  11. My friend went, and got it. Said you get CE campaign, and Reach, but all Reach has is the new maps, no old ones. I don't think I will get it either. But Look when Halo 4 comes out if you don't come out of retirement you and I shall have problems. You, me, and Marky Mark gotta tear that shit up
  12. hahaha <3 that video, good shit. I don't think I'll be getting the new halo anniversary game though I honestly haven't turned on my xbox in god knows how long, it's literally right in front of me just collecting dust. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME LOL
  13. Listen you sexy son of a bitch if you don't respond to me I swear to Allah I will grape you.

  14. You duckin me bro. Go pick up Halo man haha
  15. Rocky Halo:CE is out you coming back to xbl man. I'll buy it if you are returning.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 70
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