Conversation Between Belugn and Dodie16

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  1. Happy Birthday~

    I hope you have a great one!
  2. Hooray! ^^ You'll love the battle system. The fights are tough, but if you know what you're doing, you won't have a problem. I will say this: If the game didn't automatically heal your characters after each battle, this game would have been nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get through. Haha... Yeah, I hear you on the school thing. I can learn stuff if I don't HAVE to learn anything, but when I'm in a school environment, I feel like the stuff is being forced on me or something, and I don't want to pay attention to it.

    I bet if Square Enix did a revamp on FF X, they wouldn't have let us pick his name. Didn't make sense to me either, since it was the first FF to have voice acting. You would think that Squaresoft would have just kept it Tidus. There is one game that I played that you could pick the main characters name, but all the other characters would still call him his default name. Kind of weird that the game would give the player that option, but nothing would change. The game was called Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, in case you were wondering.

    Yeah, I liked the world of Spira, and Zanarkand was pretty impressive, before it got demolished. Not that you got to see a whole lot of it, but it was still amazing. ^^ I think that the world in FF XIII is pretty much a stark contrast to FF X. In X, there's not a whole lot of technological environments. There's a few, but mostly, everything is pretty natural looking. In XIII however, there's very little natural surroundings, and most everything is mechanized. It's not a bad thing, and I'm sure once I get further along in the game, that will change. No spoilers from me though. As for the camera in XIII, you can move it however you want, just like in XII! I think that XII was a little better in terms of actual exploration, because so far, everything in XIII has been pretty linear, but the story and characters are so good that I'm hardly complaining about that!

    To be honest, I haven't come across any side quests yet. :| I heard that there are things called missions that are like the hunts that were in XII, but I think you have to get pretty far along in the game to do any of them. Right now, I'm focusing on getting my character's Chrystarium levels up so when I get to the point of free exploration and customization, I'll have a pretty even ground to work on.
  3. Aah today is the day when I get to finally play as well! It's not until around 10-11 pm though. I'm not going to feel very concentrated in school today..but then again, I'm bad at paying attention when it comes to school in the first place.

    Yes I know. I find it hillarious however that they still argue about the pronounication of Tidus. I really found it stupid that you were able to rename him, but not the other characters in the game. An entire game, and they never even uttered his name, not even Yuna. And just letting him stick with Tidus would've put an end to the "Tee-dus" vs "Tai-dus". Yadayada blabbering blabbering.

    I LOVE environments when it comes to games. FFX had some beautiful places, such as the Macalania Woods, and the Moonflow. And that area just outside Guadosalam...that huge green...plateau of some sort. Not to mention the far plane. FFXII was just filled with deliciousness, and you could zoom in on anything, even the tiniest little flower. ANYTHING. I hope the camera angles aren't set in FFXIII as they are in FFX, that it has went for a more FFXII feel, it made everything feel freer. (And you wouldn't accidentaly start running back and forth repeatedly between two screens when the camera angle suddenly made a huge change as you entered a new area. God that could be confusing sometimes. xD)

    I hope there's a lot of side quests in FFXIII as well. o__o It gave FFXII so much freedom and depth as a world. The playthrough of FFX is pretty linear, going from A to B, just to proceed to C and so on.
  4. Now that you mention it, he does sound a little like Vaan. :\ I guess that's the teenage boy sound though. Yeah, I hear you on the older versions. You could make up what they sounded like in your head, and also what the pronunciations of some of the words sounded like. When something is said that sounds different than what you originally thought it to be, it's sort of throws you through a loop. It does for me anyway.

    I just finished the part where Vanille was running through the forest! It was really nice. The environments are really something to see, and yes, very detailed. For the first part that I played, everything looks mechanized, so get used to see that until you get to the forest part that you seen. ^^ It's still really awesome though.
  5. Haha I'll let you know when I've played. : > Yeah, I've heard Hope. He sounded a little like Vaan, but darker? At least in the sequence used in the trailer.
    I guess I'm hurt after Magna Carta's horrible dub. But then again, Magna Carta is - at least to me - a pretty lousy game.
    I sort of miss the old Final Fantasy's though. Somehow, when it communicated through text and not voices, and the visuals weren't that realistic, there were more room for outrageous and humoristic things.

    I'm really excited about the environments in FFXIII! After the short footage of Vanille running through a forest of some sorts, I've been longing to play it, stunning details.<3
  6. I really like them. The voice work is amazing and I think fits in very well with the characters. Hope sounds older to me than what I think he should sound like though, but the rest of the cast is really good. ^^ When you play the game, I would love to hear what you think though, because I honestly am not all that picky when it comes to voice work in games. If they just don't sound downright awful, then I'm happy.
  7. I know I hate changing disks when I play games. Myeh. xD

    It would be really really awesome if ther rumours were actually true. To be honest I haven't had problems with the voice acting of FFX and XII at ALL (except X-2, but we just don't mention that game...). How are the voices of FFXII? My impression from the english trailer is that the voices are more cliché, basic and less individual than the voices given to the characters of the two (..three) previous "talking game" titles. I may be a nitpick but lousy voice acting really kills.

    And I've been meaning to make a friend request for quite some while, but I'm always such a wuss when it comes to such things in online communities. xD
  8. Ha! I was just about to send you a friend request after I replied to your VM, but you beat me to it!
  9. Wow. That's really cool! ^^ I'll bet he'll be happy that you remembered the promise from a year ago that you would wait.

    I got it for the PS3, because I don't own a Xbox, but if I did, I would probably get it for the PS3 anyway. I'm not a console fangirl or anything, but I don't feel like changing disks when I play games. I'm lazy like that.

    I'll have to check on the japanese audio rumor. The only thing I did with the preferences is make sure that the subtitles were on, because I don't want to miss anything that is said in the game!
  10. I did promise him like, a year ago that we would play it together after all, when he was nothing more than my classmate's brother to me. xD! So keeping my promises.

    I am so excited, you've actually started playing it. Did you get it for PS3 or Xbox? I've earlier heard rumours that the PS3 one contains japanese audio with english subtitles, but recently, I've also heard someone claim those rumours to be incorrect.
  11. You're waiting to play it until your boyfriend gets home? Awww.. That's really nice of you! ^^ I don't have that kind of self-discipline to not play a game that I've been eagerly waiting on, so you're doing a lot better than I would do. Yeah, I hear you on being skeptical, but from what I've played of it so far, it's really fun! There's a ton of action going on in the story, so I had to take breaks every now and again so I could get in a breather.
  12. Ah darn, pressed post message too early. Here we go again;

    I've been meaning to log on and check on things for quite a while, but it wasn't until I've actually got a reminding email in my inbox that I realized "Oh..." : >
    And FFXIII came out yesterday! Promised my boyfriend that we're going to play it when he gets home for the weekend from his military service, but me and his brother went yesterday and got it, Limited edition and everything. : ) I am so excited, though sceptical to some aspects of it.
  13. I've been meaning to log on and check on things for quite a while, but it wasn't until I've actually got a reminding email in my inbox that I realized "Oh..." : >
    And FFXIII came out yesterday! Promised my boyfriend that we're going to play it when he gets home from
  14. No worries. ^^ It sounds like life is keeping you busy, and it also sounds like things are going pretty good. I'm glad that you haven't forgotten about TFF.
  15. Oh holy moly I really HAVEN'T been here in forever. I've been really busy with school, recently got together with a guy, and with age 18 comes all sorts of new business to attend to.....sooo...have had little time for the internet. : )
    Thanks for your sweet comment <3 I'll try to be a little more active here again whenever I find an empty hole in my schedule.
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