Conversation Between bobbo087 and Unknownangel

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Nice! that sounds like fun!
  2. That would be really cool.I liked to do something like that but mainly a different version of Kingdom Hearts,maybe even cooler in some ways.
  3. well the one series that I would be most honered to do is another installment in the Final Fantasy series, and the genre fantasy.
  4. What certain games or genres?
  5. any and all, you?
  6. Thats sweet! Me to! What kind of games?
  7. thank you, I want to be a video game programer
  8. Well good luck.When one of my brothers are done with collage he wants to go to medical school.
  9. sounds like fun. lol I am trying to get into college before the spring semester, it really sucks.
  10. Not much really.I have no school today so I practicing my cornet/small trumpet for tomorrows football game.Then I;m going to a dance.And I got two states test to do next week.Oh well.
  11. oh, hey man it's cool! so, what's up?
  12. Hey thank for being friends with me.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 42 of 42
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