Conversation Between bobbo087 and Unknownangel

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Is it fun, I would really like to play it some time.
  2. not too much, just been playing the crap out of final fantasy xiii
  3. Hey it been a while, whats up?
  4. Yah, I feel better now, just have to finish up a swollen tong.
  5. sorry to hear that, I know how yo feel, I've gone through the same thing before.
  6. Busy and finishing up three sicknesses. -_-
  7. pretty good, just got a new computer. you?
  8. Hey hows it goin?
  9. I was kidding. I'm not that dumb, yet... or am I? Any way it soposadly worked for face book but I don't bother with it. But if I was then I might have to get a life....
  10. well that's good but be careful doing that at school you can get in big trouble
  11. Yah. Its getting better I hope.
  12. And its even worse now like no water, can tell you next time. Woun't be here that often any more as you can see. So yah.
  13. wow, sounds like you have your hands full
  14. Hey whats up. Sorry about everything I'm really busy and mom grounded me from the computer at home even for homework. I'm trying to get on on phone not working and now pass the fire wall at school with out damaging any thing and such.
  15. merry late christmas! sorry I haven't been on in a while, I've been really busy lately. so what did you get for christmas, I got a Wii, dead rising chop til you drop for the Wii, a couple of shirts, this friday as a late christmas present from my sis I am getting Twilight Princess for the Wii, I got a watch, and an mp3 player, oh I almost forgot I also got some crappy ps 2 games, but it waas still a good christmas.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 42
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