Conversation Between Lily and Dranzer

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha il have to check those out!!
  2. It's an erotic rendition of Sleeping Beauty, and by far the craziest book I've ever read. It's a trilogy as well, I'm almost done with the second one. It's not really my thing, but it's like watching a train wreck... I have to KNOW. What happens. Anyway, certainly worth a look, it blows Fifty Shades out of the water in the first two chapters alone.
  3. I have not! What is it?
  4. So, I have to ask you this because I'd love to discuss it XD - have you checked out the Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice?
  5. Ive finished the second book, cant imagine il get the 3rd one... though i might have to for completion sake, i cant leave summat half finished lol... the 2nd book is abysmal, its essentially just twilight for grown ups.

    I might have to start a song of fire and ice again, though i still remember where im up to.... its just been a while. Argh
  6. Haha I refuse to read those books. The main character's inconsistencies bothered me in the few pages that I've read. Not to mention the whole inner goddess thing, if ever I need a good laugh I know where to go. ;P

    I'm surprised how big of a hit that trilogy is, and apparently it's going to be made into a film? How will they do that without it being a semi-porno? XD

    Sorry, I have a fair amount of hate for those books, pardon my rant, but a Song of Ice and Fire is amazing. The author does terrible things to the reader though, be forewarned. <3
  7. Im about half way through the first one, its good Ive just been momentarily distracted by 50 shades of grey, its pretty shit tbh
  8. LOL thanks, he's my future hubby. =]. I wasn't a fan of season two, they deviated from the book too much for my liking.

    && bless you! I'm glad you did, I wanted that topic to seem a lot less intimidating than it would seem in the ID forum.

    Also, the books are better than the show, hands down I suggest reading them.
  9. Urgh I couldn't help myself, I posted anyway!
  10. Hahah cheers, I was gunna relpy in the abortion one too, but that topic always gets my back up haha!

    I was admiring your avi too lol, can't wait to watch season two, we dont have sky atlantic, or whatever the channel is, so we have to wait til the box set comes out, placating the need by reading the first book for now though
  11. Thank you for replying in PRK9, I'm on a mission to revive it. =]

    Also, your avatar is adorable, jsyk. <3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11