Conversation Between Lily and seanb

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. HAI! i didnt like the album at first, but it grew on me lol

    the new album was unreal wasnt it?
  3. thats the one, kinda disappointing isn't it... hopefully they'l rock things up soon!
  4. Yeah Survival I think its called, I'll just have to cross my fingers with the new album, not out til sept thoughhhhh
  5. aw that one for the olympics?
    its just... ugh.... not good at all,... they need to strip back to their roots, just theyre instruments and his voice, and forget about the whole choral queen sound i think
  6. p.s. Heard the new Muse song? I'm not a fan ):
  7. I seem to be one of the rare fans that actually liked it, not sure why it got such a bad reception really, its really good, i just think some people like to glofify older songs/albums of artists really
  8. ya lucky sod

    must get back into muse again... never really gave the resistance album much of a chance
  9. Haha you'll be fine, just escape the battles (if you're not already past that part yet)

    I got tickets for muse in manchester *fist pump*
  10. aw BOLLOCKS!!

    UGH, I DUNNO IF iM GONNA HAVE THE MOTIVATION and patience (dam caps) to do that. fml perhaps after some time il crack at it, but no way am i starting that again...

    kinda bleak for me and concerts this summer,.. nothin really lined up apart from next weekend a local music fest I'l be going to... dunno if youl know anyone on the line up Welcome I get in free the weekend cos Ive to play at it but sure cant do any harm, bar some possible liver damage
  11. you should be ok though*

    And nah I saw them on the resistance tours in glasgow and manchester, nothing else before then ):

    Dunno how that message sent when i was half way through, arggh!
  12. Hahaha you complete idiot xD Who else is with you? You're just gunna have to stock up on healing items and let them do the healing shit, just flee what battles you can, and maybe level outside abit so Zidane and whoever else is with you has the edge battle wise if you are struggling abit. Y
  13. aw stop time just flies, hopefully you'l get them, last time I seen them was 2010 I think,... wouldve loved to see them when the did the origin album live .. that the one you were at?

    oh yea, meant to ask ya, your a real ff9 head arent ya?
    cos Im on the 3rd disc were you get sent to the forgotten contenent (think thats the name) and the place you enter you cant use magic spells because theres a sheild or somethin, and like a ****in eejit I chose garnet and vivi in the party, and I cant get back to change the party, kuja has them captured, and I over writ my game,
    doomed am I?
    **** it like, about 60 hours agameplay aghh
  14. Ive registed for the pre-sale tickets, but if I dont get them, I dont think I'll bother going, Ive heard that they aren't gunna play any of the older stuff at their gigs anymore, so I think this might be my last one if I do go. I'm not sure it's possible to top their performance from the LCCC last year.. or the year before... tbh. bloody hell, where does the time go D:

    Tickets are on sale for everyone on the 13th of this month, btw
  15. yea,mad isnt it roastin here too today, ah i dunno anymore
    Deadly! didn't even know they were touring again must look into that see if theyre playing here
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