Conversation Between GypsyElder and Rhaps

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Even though the story of X-2 fails in relation to X it is really fun as a game. I loved the gunners gauntlet. There are a lot of mini games and extra scenes, so it also has good replay value.
  2. Nah, 's all good. Kind of weird seeing your own name on a headstone though.
    Have you played X-2/Could give me a reason to try it?
  3. Oh wow. I'm sorry dude. That sucks
  4. About the same. My Great-Grandfather (my namesake, the fourth, at that) passed, so I got my funeral on this morning.
  5. Haha. I don't even remember what thread that was xD. TFF has been a little out of wack lately.

    I'm fine! Nothing new sadly aha. You?
  6. I literally just caught the pun you made in that thread that Antidrall made for attacking Cloud. I was going to rep you back, but my rep button disappeared for some reason.
    Anywho, how are you?
  7. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  8. !!
  9. ilu2
  10. I love oglops x3
  11. I'm not quite fluent in it but I'm working on it lol
    (Al Bhed, not Filipino)
  12. hahaha it's not in Al Bhed. It's in Fillopino language. It says: "Clap your feet"

    PS I understand Al bhed
  13. E druikrd ouin dedma fyc eh Al Bhed yht fyc tecybbuehdat du maynh ed fyc hud ; - ;
  14. hahahaha
  15. I just gave him a bad rep lol I usually only report porn bots
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 43
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