Conversation Between GypsyElder and Fate

152 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeerrssh I'm probably going to go on a hunt for more armor. I tried to summon my brother the other day and for some reason it wasn't working; I couldn't see his sign. By then I was level 69 and he was 70. @_@
  2. *bows and cheers* =D

    Making good use of the equipment, I take it? ;3
  3. *Bows*
  4. I haven't gotten that far yet haha. I need to keep playing! I've Just been busy and haven't had time and when I do find time, I'm tired.
  5. Yeppers! It was my first one, too.

    How are you liking it?
  6. I'm playing the one with Fayt. I'm guessing it's the third one?
  7. So, you better like it. ;3

    Which are you playing?
  8. So I'm playing Star Ocean for the first time.
  9. Heeheehee, you were first on here! xD Thankies, Aunty! <3<3
  10. OMG Happy birthday!! <3<3<3


    Aunt smelly~
  11. BOBAA !!!! <3 . Asians ftw! Bleachie was like "zomg boba!" hahahah

    I usually get Thai Tea Boba or passion fruit.
  12. I see boba on your MSN profile! 8D
    God, I loooveee the soursop boba~<3
  13. Oh, hells, yeah! =3 We will prevaaaaiiillll! <3
  14. sexyy kitteeh and fat moogle <3
  15. haha THANK YOUUU

    you too :3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 152
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