Conversation Between Gilgameshed_up and Fate

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. Uh-oh, I moved that banner to another album in my Photobucket, so that first link won't show up anymore. ^ ^; Here's the new one that will work:

  2. Hehehe, you're very welcome. ^ ^ Glad you like it, though. I had fun making it. =D
  4. I finished your banner! =D Hopefully you like a lot of abstract things? I'll show you when I get on my computer~

    .:EDIT:. Actually, I'm on now, so here it is:

    If you want me to change or add anything, I'll try to. But I do hope you like it. =] (And yep, the up arrow for the "up" in your name was intended. =P)
  5. Oh, two months is barely anything yet. xD I'm not very good at color-blending. =P Have to work on that~
  6. Your the photoshop genius not me
  7. I'm practically nocturnal. xD I loooove sleeping during the day.
    But first, to think of a creative way to block that spiky-circular thing on the corner. xD
  8. There need's to be more nightime. xD
    Woo I can't wait!
  9. So am I. xD A lot of people are online at night (due to stupid time zones), so that's when it's more fun.
    What am I working on? Well, now I have one more birthday present to do for this one guy. After that it's that banner for you. =3
  10. Yeah I do.
    I Think im an imsomniac :/
    Soo what you working on?
  11. Working in Photoshop right now. =D You stay up late a lot, don't you? xD
  12. What you up to buddy?
  13. Adam!!!!!! xD
  14. Fate!!!!!
  15. Sure thing, buddy. =D Just leave it to me~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 53
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