That's the way I found out too. I actually found this site looking for Cloud Strife wallpaper. You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help you out. ^^ Have a good night/day. (Heh...time zones are tricky little devils)
lol well nothing in particlar im slowing finding out as i go ghaha i never seen this site before and when i found it today at work on my phone i was like WOW! im a raeally big fan of final fantasy games i grow up playing them sence i was very little hahah but anywasy if i need some help with anything ill be sure to ask you : ) thank you katie for being nice and answering my questions haha you seem to know whats going on aroundhere XD
Sure! I'm sure you have read rules by now right? ^^ Nothing too serious; just be sure to be polite and try not to spam. You can find some interesting topics in General Chat, and you can post about your favorite Final Fantasy in their respective group. Just so you know, posting in the Humor/Games forums don't increase your post count, so don't go there just to increase the number of posts you have. If you want friends, I'm sure just about anyone would gladly become one. Everyone is very nice and helpful here. If you want, we can add each other as friends. (Call me Katie.) Anything specific you want to know??
hey im new and im trying to figure stuff out can you tell me something about it i should know? i would really love to be active on this web site thank you : )
Hiya hiya! Welcome to TFF.