Conversation Between rydia123 and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

13 Visitor Messages

  1. later dude
  2. Anyway, I g2g, Goodnight
  3. I got some new Pictures of myself. When you have the time you can check them out.
  4. yea that is kool

    ii like the yin yang

    have you ever read Tao Te Ching?
  5. I was able to fix it, and I put in my thread. Here is the Link:
  6. dont say sorry
    you didnt do anything haha

    well when you put it up past me the link. lol
  7. okay...Well, since the file is to big...I cannot attach it to my you'll have to check it out on my Profile page, in my Album.
  8. Okay...Sorry...I had to charge the Battery of the Digital Camera...Sorry...But it should be up in about 2 minutes.
  9. well when you put it up
    tell me where you put it

    id love to see it
  10. i already made this a while ago, but, I'll put it up anyway...Just gotta me a sec to put it up.
  11. Ya, i know what you mean.
  12. Haha. Well your best is all you can do. Haaha They look good. Better then I can do I can't draw to well at all. Keep up the good work. And if you draw something you think is pretty neat. I want to see I love how the mind can creat art
  13. Thank you for your Comment on my Drawings I do what I can to make them look as good as possible.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13