Conversation Between -Balthier- and Fate

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's a new one I got. I never knew I was Dr. Fate now.
  2. Hello Dr.Fate LOL nice nickname
  3. hmmmmm I didn't see them your gonna have to show me again
  4. Do I get points for giving you the puppy dog eyes?
  5. Thats correct and I'll be the judge that decides if your considered nice or not
  6. So in other words, you are a nice person, correct? I suppose I am one, too, although that's not for me to judge.
  7. I talk alot.But when I do its mostly nice stuff or advice
  8. Wait, I'm confused now. When you said "I'm like that, too", what did you mean?
  9. Lmao so I see.=_=" don't worry I'm used to it
  10. Oh, I could tell from the beginning.
  11. Lmaooooooo wow don't worry I'm like that too
  12. Uh... So like, the other day. Uh, yeah. Sure. Whatever...

    Oh, I am nowhere near that monotonous in terms of tone.
  13. Lol I'll be the judge of that
  14. I am never without words. Words are my friends. Although... I can be quite boring at times.
  15. I can tell.LOL you always seem to have something to say
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 30
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