Conversation Between Arch and ViviMasterMage

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks a lot! I love seeing that people appreciate what I do! xD Thanks.
  2. Wow Vivi! Amazing Talent i just saw ethans Sig! Amazing detail! you have alot of talent! i wish i could photoshop i suck lol ^^ your sigs are some of the best ive seen so far!
  3. Vivi! bro idk if you remember me but ive been gone for awhile >.> but now im back for awhile (hopefully), how have you been man?
  4. I get that alot everyone says it's their fave char from FF9. Thanks I hope to talk to you more. HAVE A WACKY TIME HERE!
  5. Np hi vivi , i like meeting new people too
    Vivi was my favorite character in FFIX
  6. Thanks for the friend request
    I love to meet new people
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6