Conversation Between Arch and The Dark Crystal

135 Visitor Messages

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  1. i guess you can never say never though too LMAO
  2. Not all of the stoners are bad people, like for instance i have never been arrested, never had a ticket, and never been on probation, and also have never killed anyone while driving under the influance ( unlike alcohal, which is legal but kills thousands on the road a year ) if you catch my rift!
  3. LMAO, i used to be a big pot head, but i have been clean for a month now! ( I still am ) just getting clean for jobs. I know that probable sounds bad but i only do it because i can still be responsable will doing so. Greesies means when you loaded a fresh bowl of weed, and it hasen't been hit yet. It always tastes the best, so you try to offer it to someone else ( i guess you could call it a stoner ritual )
  4. Bro im the same way im great at giving advice, but bad at taking my own XD. Yeah my plan is to go into the Navy, im thinking. I know a couple of people that went and said it was the best years of there life i like danger and to have my heart racing and shit
    and not to get off topic but i see your thing on your profile what are Greensies? lmao
  5. Well some advice from one friend to another, always be optimistic, trust me you can do anything you set your mind too. You just have to have the "I can" attitude. Sorry for sounding like a parent I just love to give advice when i can, makes me feel like i am doing something good with my life, if you know what i mean! Most of my friends that really know me always come to me for advice. I can't seem to make the best chocies for myself always but i can for others! Hell yea man a firefighter, that gains alot of respect on your part from me! That takes a lot of balls
  6. Idk ... my Long term goal is to become a Fire Fighter something ive wanted to be for awhile now. How i get there is what i got to figure out. Either way studying is going be something im always going to have tp do, but not as much as in college. Im scared that if i go to college im gonna end up wasting money and or failing classes or just not going to them. Sooo idk bro , thats number one thing thats on my mind right, and it has been on my mind for the last couple of months. Gahh being an almost adult sucks ass! >.<
  7. yea i feel you their! yea like i said it was the best feeling in the world to graduate, and i got to learn a bit more from the situation in the process. So its all good in the hood! You should def go to college though, it will make your life so much easier!
  8. oh shit so you just finished. Damn your lucky dude, i wish i had enough credits to graduate in winter >.> but i am one lazy ass mofo. School is not my thing.
  9. yea on Dec 18, 2009. I had dropped out my junior year and then went back a year later. I will be starting college in March, i tryed for Jan, but signed up to late.
  10. Senior year May 14 is the day i get the piece of paper in hand and run! i cant wait ,im so tired of school. And April 4th im 18 . You graduated last year?

  11. Man thank god i am finished with school! I tell you though once you get your Diploma it is the best feeling in the world! I used to not take it seriously, man i was wrong, but knowledge is the key!!!
  12. Nm Bro, home from school, no work today, drinking a redbull and posting while watching tv. Life is good XD (not mentioning the mount of Home work i have o.0)
  13. Hey wan just wanted to stop by an say Hey! hows things going for you?
  14. Thanks alot Arch! I really appreciate it!
  15. bro i saw it was your birthday happy birthday!
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