Conversation Between Arch and Dodie16

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. What gave it away that I was a fan? Yeah, that game was so much fun. I also wish it would have gotten better sales, that way Clover didn't have to shut down. Ah well.

    You know that there is a sequel in the works, right? It's gonna be for the DS. I haven't been checking up on it here lately though, so I don't know how far it's come along.
  2. Dodie i love Okami, one of the most underated games! it didnt get the recognition and popularity it deserved!
    Just wanted to tell you that lol
  3. oh i def have been blahhh there so many posts ive missed!
  4. New with me or new with TFF? Either case, nothing much. I guess your best bet is to lurk for a while on different threads and see what's been happening.
  5. Haha thanks im happy to be back i wish i had more time to post! so whats new?
  6. I remember you. And yeah, it just goes to show that I don't have much of a life outside of TFF, so I spend a little too much time posting. Nice to see that you're back.
  7. Dodie idk if you remeber me or not but dang your like a TFF inspiration youve been very active *thumbs up* and you got a high rank. Lol good job .
  8. Yes, I'm glad to see that you are such an active member. Maybe I could take some lessons from you!

    I actually enjoy reading what other people have to say, and their opinions on different subjects.
  9. I love it here!But i have to say i am a poster lol the first day i almost made it to a hundred it was ALMOST 80 but i got it the next day so its ok
  10. Hey Anarchy. It's nice to meet you, too!

    You really are quite the poster aren't you? You totally have blown past my post count and you are newer than I am! lol

    Do you like it here?
  11. hi dodie nice to meet you
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 26 of 26
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