Conversation Between Arch and Firefly

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. hehe,but when summer comes,so do the bees,wasps,and snakes! (imma scared of them lol
  2. i have to agree with you on that one!
  3. I'd rather have them 40 temps,than 20 temps I have where I live.I like cold weather and all,but I like warmer days better!
  4. its actually in the 40's down here its freezing! lol we floridians dont do well under 70 69 is a "chilly" day for us lol i love the cold tho
  5. HA! If we get like 1 inch or so..we get out for days lol.But the other day I had 7 inches!! It must be warm in Florida..I miss warm and sunny days
  6. awww lucky i live in florida no snow days for us >.> but once in 1976 it flurried in Miami and they canceled all schools in miami, lmao florida freak out over cold! i wish i had no school right now haha
  7. Preety darn good,been off from school for alot of days cuz of snow.So been playin up the Final Fantasy ..Wat bout u?
  8. Hahaha how are you its been a long time ?!^^
  9. lol Hi Arch!
  10. Oh hahahaha! i didnt know you changed your name!! lol sorry Hi wolfie!
  11. OMG!! How could u forget! *sniffles* Imma Wolfie!
  12. Hello Firefly, can i ask what your name before was? lol because i was looking through my friends and saw you on my list ^^ well anyway if i talked to you before good to talk to you again lol
  13. Thank u.
  14. woah wolfie i love the new avatar and sig
  15. Yea its not the best,I thought FFX was the best.The only reason I like playing it is because of the battle system and the sky pirate den.
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