Conversation Between Dodie16 and Robbo

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. I is fine, thank you for asking.

    Aww.... That sucks to hear about your game disk not working... That happened to me before. Can you go somewhere to get it cleaned? I hope that's all that's wrong with it. It would suck to not be able to finish the game after all the time you put into it.
  2. DODIEEEEEEE how is you

    I stared to play FF VI today cause my IX wont play an fmv so the game is stuck at a certain bit after all of my game time
  3. Mhmmm good point i'll be sure to include them and a car with a sunroof and a jousting pole, yup that's what is needed for a good Revolution

    Víva la Revolution
  4. Oh, okay then. Don't forget to bring lighted torches and pitchforks when you go. It's not a proper revolution without an angry mob carrying those things.

    Godspeed to you!
  5. Good thankies but Tuition fees were raised lots so i have to start a revolution and what not
  6. Not too shabby here on my end. What about yourself? Been doing alright?
  7. Dodieeeeee how is things
  8. I did on Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe i wont do it again soon everyone just obliterated me
  9. Nah. I don't usually play fighting games, much less challenge people online with one.
  10. Have you ever been online on a fighting game?
  11. except for the super special moves of doom those have to be mastered
  12. Haha... I suppose that's true about the button mashing thing. I always felt like I was playing the games wrong though when I did that, but I suppose that's what most people tend to do anyway.
  13. Pfft you cant suck at a fighting game you just button mash . also shame about the PS3 i wouldve raged at yoo
  14. I don't own a 360, so no. PS3 for me, if I get it. Still kind of on the fence because I suck at fighting games.
  15. Hey so your getting Marvel vs Capcom 3 right?, will you be getting it for Xbox 360
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