Conversation Between Dodie16 and RamesesII

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  1. That will be good, well we will set a time and date then I guess we can set a limit or just first to finish.
  2. Nah, June sounds fine to me. Like I said, I've never done a competitive play like this before, so I don't know how you want to relay info about our progress to each other. I thought it would be cool to take a picture of our end results though, and show what we got at the end.
  3. Sweet well your on then missy haha I don't have much time off during the Easter holidays but my next set of holidays is June I think is that to far away?
  4. Well, you just name the time and I'll totally be on board with the idea!
  5. We can still do the challenge I will have to wait until I am on holidays this year though that way I will get more time to do it
  6. Yeah, yeah. So you say. You just didn't want to lose to a girl!


    Darn, that sounded like fun. I never did a challenge like that before. It's alright though. You have a lot more responsibility than I do, so it's understandable.

    If we did do that challenge, I would have to start a game without my nifty save + file data, right? Haha. I haven't played through the game like that in a long time.
  7. I was going to challenge you to one round of Okami see who could finish it first but I realised I would lose because I don't play as much as I used to.
  8. Yeah god tell me about it I can already have full conversations with my eldest daughter Im so proud of them they just grow up so quick haha it puts a tear in my eye haha, yeah she is ecstatic about her DL now we just need another car haha.
  9. Work is always a hassle, but I hope things get better for you soon. Nice to hear that your family is doing good. I bet your kids are getting so big now. You should post some pics, or maybe I could actually log on to Facebook sometime and see for myself. Congratulations to your wife about getting her DL! I bet it's a lot more liberating for her now that she can drive herself places and not have to rely on other people to do it for her.
  10. Well that sounds good then, it is always good when things go smoothly haha yeah things are ok over here work has been a nightmare but family is fighting fit and healthy lol my wife finally got her driving license today YAH haha
  11. Doing alright. Nothing too big going on in my life though, so there's not much to say. Hope everything on your end of the world is going smoothly.
  12. Hey Dodie how are you?
  13. Yeah, I hear you, but I also think that if it was too popular, that there would be a backlash against it. For some reason, when something gets very popular, people want to start saying that it really wasn't that great. I guess what other people think really doesn't matter anyway.
  14. I know what you mean no one ever talks about it and in my books it should one of the most acclaimed game ever.
  15. Yeah its bloody awesome I want to get the original as well, but haven't had the chance.
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