Conversation Between Dodie16 and Taco-Calamitous

321 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'll be your LaFonda anytime.
  2. Was watching Napoleon Dynamite over at my friend's, and at this scene (at about 30 seconds in) I was like "that sounds familiar, lol."
  3. Ma'am, I am around if you are.
  4. You need to get online, woman!
  5. Allo ma'am. I did the work today. It was exhausting. Now I am at the Mike's. You may not see me on tonight, so happy night times ^^
  6. I'm awake still. And I didn't read. Nor play a video game.

  7. Oh JAM. 666!

    And lolol.
  8. I'm on again... Sorry I just cut out. Foolish internets.
  9. <333

    Heh, honestly when I saw I had a new VM, I was like "...-_-... Don't you people have anything else better to do??" Nah, you don't have to do anything about it. I'm just gonna ignore 'em.
  10. :3 at the rep you gave me. Also, don't you love this creative idea people keep having about your username? Isn't it totally NOT obnoxious? Do you want me to give them all spam bot warnings and ban them all permanently?
  11. Cute. :3 My cat didn't react at all to it though. Probably because I shoo her away when she gets too close to my computer, so she's learned to stay away. And d'aww, you make a lady blush.
  12. This caused Kiara to look perplexedly and sniff at the computer, heh. Thought I'd share. Also, yer hot :3
  13. I got on skype, and then you weren't there. You probably had better things to do than wait on my lazy butt, eh? Hope you have fun
  14. If you are around, you should get on Skype.
  15. Hey, I am going to work earlier today. Because I have a different job now. Heh. I'll be around to talk in an hour if you are around, and be gone at 2. Done at 10 tonight (midnight your time.) Will be like this for at least this week, except Thursday, which I am taking off to go to an Air Force meeting. *nod nod*

    And yuss, mom had a good day, I think TTYS, lady.
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