Conversation Between Dodie16 and SuperSabin

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  1. Actually, you might be able to play steam games, I'm running then with a 1.5 GHZ processor and some games I play there require lower or slightly higher processing speed. Ys origin is a 2006 title so that would most definitely run (just an example).

    About that game collection thing, you can see I have it set up like a Netflix queue. It took a bit to set up but it was totally worth it. I'm running them using a program called Xbox media center which is basically a freeware media center you can use for movies, tv shows, music, emulators, etc.
  2. Sounds awesome. Awesome that you hit up the steam sale too. Wish my computer could run those games. Ah well. Sounds like you have things under control. That's good to hear. Good luck with your second year, and your game collection too!
  3. Nice, well i seem to be occupied by a game that will draw my attention from FFXII for a good while haha. before i get to that, tech school... this will be my last year, as of right now, its a two year program so i need to get on the ball more than i have last year and put forth more effort.

    Back to the game that's taking most of my attention. I recently purchased a steam game which i'm really proud of picking up. Its Ys Origin (you know how i love those games) and to my amazement, it tells a really good story. Its one of those games that has a character selection where each character has their own storyline (like in BBS). It makes for a great prequel to the series.

    EDIT: you might be surprised about what i have on my sig, its a little something i was working on.
  4. It goes well! Busy, but well. I was in Oregon for a bit, now I'm in Georgia again to help my brother move back to Arkansas. Lots of traveling... How many years are you gonna be in tech school? Congrats on the self teaching! I wish I still had patience for that kind of thing.

    I should finish my second playthrough of FF XII too... I'm in Bhujerba still. Haven't played FF V at all. That one and II are all the ones I'm missing from my play experience (other than the MMOs). Got too many other games I'm distracted by first though. Bought like 7 new games and Telegraph let me borrow the Sly Cooper collection for the PS3. I can't complain of boredom anymore!
  5. Hey, hows it going? whats new in the life of dodie? I started my 2nd year of tech school, not much going on yet, but i did have to troubleshoot some teacher's computer problems (a bit of running around there), did some self learning on HTML and CSS which is progressing nicely (found a nifty website for that).

    Other than that, gaming wise, I'm playing FFXII (2nd playthrough), and FFV as well. Thats about it on my end.
  6. Wow, hope you had a swell time in georgia. well i got the system primarily for the Mega Man X series got the X collection (1-6), X7, have yet to get X8 which is the last one for it. Picked up FFX (9.99), i also got a 32mb memory card. funny story they had 2 8MB cards at this one used game store for 9.99 and i quickly saw a 32MB one labelled for the same price so i jumped on that.

    Other games i'm considering are:
    SMT III: Nocturne
    Dawn of Mana
    Digital Devil Saga
    and probably Grandia II because i played my cousin's copy and i liked it.

    if you have any recommendations list them out, i can't think of anything else haha.
  7. Heh, it has been a while. I was in Georgia on a family vacation. No internets, but had a good time. PS2 is an awesome system, and that's a pretty awesome price for it! What games are you thinking of getting/have you gotten?
  8. hey, long time no talk! hows it going? i'm doing my best to hang in there over here in NC. Still on the job and i'm scheduled to work an extra hour but i'm getting paid and keeping myself entertained. Decided to pick up a ps2 to take home with me because there are games i wanted for it that will never see the light of day on PS3 haha. it was $30 too . Hope you're having a great summer.
  9. i have a chapter written in my pointless story, remember me writing this stuff? lol i wrote chap. 12 two weeks back if you'd like to read it.
  10. Thanks, unfortunately the kind of job I have isn't efficient enough to make a living fr what I hear, nobody had gotten a raise in 5 years but at least I'll be getting paid and will be able to work on earning a living afterwards. I do get weekends off which is great, today I randomly found a ps2 at my aunts and it just so happened to have grandia 2 in the system lol. I took the opportunity to get on it. I'll be on msn today if you'd like to chat, I also have Skype has well.
  11. That's pretty awesome news! Congrats on the job. Electricians make good money, and it's a position that's in steady demand. Best of luck with your (PAID!) training! ^^

    Nothing has really been going on in my neck of the woods, especially nothing as exciting as your news. Oh well.
  12. hey dodie how are things? sorry i haven't spoken to you in awhile i've been super busy these days. I have a summer job! its a 3 months thing up in VA and i'm training to be an electrician just for the experience and i'm being paid for the work. I'm living with my aunt and uncles in NC and i'm only like an hour away from VA so i can still get to the work area. Basically i've been on my toes constantly. Anything new going on?
  13. I'm playing M3 right now trying to get back into the rhythm of the sound combo system (i'm terrible at it now lol). But yeah, the emulator is programmed differently and theres two different versions: a 32 bit emulator and a 64 bit. i have mine configured to sync with my video card and i activated sound channel 8 to get sound and boy does it run smoothly. I have a PC game that runs like a dream as well too ^^

    EDIT: just thought of something, there maybe something on your computer taking up most of your resources (meaning using up most of your cpu memory), also you might want to run a cleanup of your computer, defragmenting helps too. But yeah, definitely take a look at that emu. VBA itself is pretty laggy.
  14. That is a good tip! I was having a lot of problems with VBA a couple days ago with the framerate going down to like 40%! I was like "whuuu???", so I had to do a lot of computery stuff to try and get it back up to snuff... :/ I'll def look into it! Especially if it makes Mother 3 combat a little easier.
  15. got a protip for you: visual boy advance m > visual boy advance. Difference - no lag which makes the frame rate much smoother and makes it much easier to combo in mother 3
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