Conversation Between Dean Winchester and Freya

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I really doubt she does, but i'll see what happens. Thanks though
  2. Love is always very complicated (trust me, I've experienced it a few months ago XD"), but don't let yourself get dragged down by bad feelings.
    I read your journal again today and it sounds like she likes you! ^^ I hope you'll be able to meet with her soon!! ^^
  3. The situation between me and her is a delicate and complicated situation. I might talk about it but i won't do it now.
  4. Awww, wrong thoughts, dude T.T I just read your journal and I think you should re-think everything. You're not weak, don't say such things about yourself! When you believe you're weak then you WILL BE weak. Only when you say to yourself that you're not weak than it will work. And by the way.. there are some women you like weak men Think positive!
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