Conversation Between Dean Winchester and RamesesII

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday dude if you see this.
  2. Hey mate sorry for my absence here lately my internet and com have been playing up i don't know whether it is virus damage or internet security buggering up so i will be scarse and far between untill i sort this mess out cheers RamesesII

    In the mean time if you have something important to ask just approach Meier he is very helpful.
  3. Cool, i could use a beer too but i'm broke at the moment lol. I'm going to try to sleep early tonight, it's almost 11pm here. You can IM me but if i don't respond i'll be asleep, if not i'll IM you back instantly.
  4. Great actually and it is friday yah go home and crack open a beer haha how about you? I noticed some of the convos here about this girl i will go and read you journal when i get home in a couple of hours. Will you be on in about three or four hours?
  5. Hey dude how did your day go?
  6. I went to sleep for a bit so its ok dude. The TV just went out for no reason just now >_<
  7. Sorry for my abrupt and sudden departure from msn my internet connection decide it wouldn't work and not only disconnected but refused to re connect, but now time has alleviated the problem hopefully so i do apologize and i will try to catch up soon. Cheers RamesesII
  8. yeah mate [email protected] i am on at the moment if you want to chat for a bit
  9. I guess so, i'm reluctant to posting much at all because well atm i have a migraine. I'd take meds but they stopped working for me. I didn't really sleep so that miust be the reason. I might take a nap later. Ok do you have a msn address?
  10. Hey there buddy i am your Adopter haha what a crappy way to put it, i am your friend feel free to chat if your are free and don't hesitate to ask, anyway first things first is there anything you need to know, i see you have already somewhat grasped a hold in the forum and made a good start on some posts
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10