Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

352 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay well, I g2g for now. I'll ttyl8a when I get home.
  2. I'm on MSN As Well, So, If you want, we could talk there.
  3. Well, Would you like to talk to me now? I'm here, But only for like 20 minutes.
  4. Okay, You write it, but I have to go for now, I'll read it when I get Home. Okay?
  5. School suck's =/

    I'll tell you what happened in the locker room in PM
  6. So, Whats up? How have you been?
  7. I do Want to talk to you, Have you not seen my Signature? I miss talking to you.
  8. Cause your not online when I'm online, or you ignore me when I say hi. I'm not mad, but I am Worried. You okay?
  9. idk...
    You never talk to me...
  10. Why would you think I'm mad at you?
  11. I'm not mad at you SD. Please don't cry little sis.
  12. Cry's* Why are you mad at me =(?
    *cry's again*
  13. yep your mad at me =(
  14. .... Are you mad at me?
  15. hiya
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 352
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