You're very much weLcome.. :-)
Thank you!
ALrighty! Done!
Just change it to sister ^^ Sorry bout that ^^'
Uh okay.. so what am I gonna do? DeLete you from my TFF FamiLy? Or change it to.. "sister"?
Hey Y*Yesha* ^^ Just noticed that in your family that Im called "Brother" and it's suppose to be "sister". I'll explain what happened there, my brother got on my account, gonna start logging off XD. Sorry if im bugging you ^^' He's also doing that with the social groups, he keeps making Social groups -_- Ugh... Id rather have a sister.... Instead of a stupid brother... ... Um... Im bugging you... I'll just stop the message right.... .... ... HERE!
^^ Heh heh ^^
Ei.. Thanks for the comment on my pix.. LoL! Yeah.. I Like the spray paint effects so much.. :-)
aww.. that's very unfortunate..
um, then i cant join because... I kinda droped my camrea in my cat's water bowl ^^'
Yes.. you have to draw it.. using any computer programs for your drawing is not aLLowed.. your drawing shouLd be pure naturaL.. no editing.. :-) You can aLways transfer your drawing to your computer by.. camera/DigiCam or scanner.. your choice.. :-) Get that?
=/ Do i have to draw it? Or can i make it in MS paint? But i'll join ^^
Oh.. just to Let you know.. the drawing contest is now starting.. check out our cLub to know more.. :-)
And for the "Art of the month" yes.. you'LL have to upLoad your drawings.. but it wiLL aLso begin on September.. there's this event for this month.. "the originaL characters concept contest".. browse our cLub thread (AFC) to Learn more about it.. GiLgameshed Up.. suggest that contest.. so that wiLL have a different ruLes provided by me.. but.. it's has not yet starting, so I haven't post more about it.. so just prepare for it.. if you want to join.. :-)
The poster making contest.. wiLL begin on September.. yes.. an originaL Anime sig/banner wiLL be the entries for this event/contest.. :-)