Conversation Between Darkdragoon and HUNK

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah I would like to see wesker as a good guy for a change. Kinda reminds me of Neo from the Matrix...hmm, couldn't have anything to do with the bullet dodging.

    Question: Why do you have no pictures of Lavits in your gallery? He deservs at least one.
  2. =O Jill sandwich!!!
    *cRY* jILL'S BEST CHARATER IN THE SERIE'S... Damn it cap's!!!
    *Stab's keyboard*
    O.o Oh... Right what were we talking about ^^;;
    I hate wesker... he's so... EVIL!!!
  3. Did she? I don't remember.

    I beat the game shortly after it came out and never payed too much attention to her, she just annoys me.
  4. Yea but...
    Didnt Jill die in 5?
  5. Only thing I was mad about was Jill's ever-changing hair and well the thing that happened to our beloved hero Wesker...
    I got an email telling me and many others to write a bunch of letters to capcom to get that changed...they are crazy, but I kinda hope it works.

    Resident Evil one is still my favorite though.
  6. Yea, I hate the new RE's just stripped it out of the horror... Meany's =(
  7. Uh thanks.

    I liked the vid she did about RE5 welcome to the jungle, the numa numa one was good too though. Her Resident Evil survivor stuff is hilarious.
  8. Oh hah hah XD I see i added that ^^ Love the Numa numa remake ^^
    Your really nice to talk to ^^
  9. ...
    Uh, it was in your profile... I was wondering around through profiles and saw yours...I'm not a stalker. Jumping too conclusion much?
  10. O.o where did you hear that i liked Shadowleggy? O.o
    Are you a stalker?
    Dont tell me you stalker me in the pool when i do my stretch's O.o
  11. Hahaha, Shadowleggy cartoons rule.

    Anyway I don't belive I have seen you before so you have my welcoming.
    (By the way, I think its awesome that you have a LOTD avatar and name. )
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