Conversation Between Firefly and Assassin

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it and if you feel like talking to some1 too then you can alwayz talk to me.
  2. My day went pretty bad lol. Anyways,if you ever need someone to talk to..I am here for you
  3. Well not that good. So how are your dayz going.
  4. Good how about you?
  5. Hi.... How are you??????
  6. Hi! Just thought I would stop by and say...Happy Birthday! :]
  7. I am good how about you? And I am usually always on about 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Central time
  8. Hey ......... Just wanted 2 ask how r u n when r u usually online coz whenever m online u never r n just wanted 2 hav a chat
  9. Nothing,just bored lol. How about you? :]
  10. What ya doin??????????
  11. Thank you for the friend request :3
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 26 of 26
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