Conversation Between Firefly and CrazedMonkey

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. That was pretty cool. I'm also anxious to see if Amon really did have something to do with Aang's death. Korra's vision just made me more suspicious. By the way, what do you think about Asami? She seems nice enough, but something about her has my warning lights going off like crazy.
  2. Thats what I'm thinking as well. I'm just curious as to see which spirit is wishing for the end of bending. I am also glad to see what Sokka,Toph,and Aang looked like when they were older(when Korra was knocked out by Amon). That made my day for some reason?
  3. I'm thinkin that since this series is apparently 2 seasons long, Amon's the baddy for the first season and whatever gave him his power will the baddy for the second season.
  4. That does make sense. Shew,maybe we'll get a little closer to the answer with tomorrow's new episode
  5. Maybe it has something to do with an evil spirit? Amon did mention that he was visited by a spirit, so maybe one of them decided to cause some chaos.
  6. I liked it too,but I don't see how its possible. I mean,correct me if I'm wrong,Aang was the only avatar to do something like strip a person's bending from them,so how can a nonbender take away someone else's bending? Ugghh..I need answers so my impatient mind can stop thinking about it lol :3
  7. I've actually watched episode 3 of Korra a few times already. It was awesome!
  8. Did you see Episode 3 of the Legend of Korra yet? It was crazy
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