Conversation Between Firefly and bahamuts heir

475 Visitor Messages

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  1. yep
  2. Cool beans lol
  3. jogging reading eating sleeping and playing a few games plus getting back to tff
  4. Reading a couple of books,sleeping,swimming,and TFF How about you?
  5. so what have you been up to other than school
  6. Oki doki.
  7. movies for the win now continue the new name thread plz cuz its fun and silly
  8. Hehe..yep.
  9. very nice
  10. No...we don't go there to watch the movie...we go there to be retarded. Last time we went to watch Eclipse and all we did was laugh and crack up jokes You just have no idea how much fun we have in a frekin theater xD
  11. uh oh not another twilight fan the movies ruined it for any male who read it cuz they should not sparkle like a gem that just creepy and i dont know why any girl would want a boy who sparkles
  12. I know how ya feel about not being with friends. I have no classes with my besties..and I am stuck with only two of my friends,and they are both really mean to me lol :/ I can't wait till Breaking Dawn comes out in theatres though,cuz me and my besties are gonna go watch it and party all night xD
  13. so did i honors classes make it very hard to hang out with friends and i have virtually no free time
  14. Hey! We haven't talked in a long time I started school about two weeks ago,and ever since then..I have been stressed and always doing something :/ But other than that,I have been good. How about you?
  15. hey how you been
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 475
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