Conversation Between tre skills and RamesesII

3 Visitor Messages

  1. haha well it doesn't like i said it is not against the rules i used to be a bit like that and i was also pulled up and corrected, i just think people tend to enjoy talking or reading posts without the text style stuff like lol are quite fine anyway i don't mean to offend you. Cheers
  2. yeah i know its in text form but i didn't really think it mattered at all, I'll try my best to type proper.
  3. Hey there i am known as Dragoon around here i was just perusing some of your pots and conversations and coudln't help notice that some of your typing is in text form anyway i thought i would drop by and just mention a little thread here about forum etiquette.

    I am not saying you are doing anything wrong just a pre warning so to speak not that you will get in trouble for it just thought i would mention it cheers.
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