Conversation Between Freya and Dodie16

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Of course there is.
    You're cool.
    Tele's cool.
    And that makes: Great couple.
  2. *pink flowers falling*

    Pretty~ Haha, thanks much. I'm glad to know that there's so much support for us.
  3. And AWWWWWWWW once again ^//////^
    New love is so awesome. <3 I wish you two the best best best of happiness. <3 *throws pink flowers XD*
  4. ^^

    Thanks~ And if you ever do get a chance to pick up a copy, grab it! Only if you want to, of course.
  5. Thank you. :>
    I love your picture in your profile *_* One day I really should play Okami as well... ^^
  6. Hey there! Just dropping by to say congratulations on the new mod status.
  7. Hm, I've heard much about "animes abridged" but never actualyl watched some. So this was my first time to watch one. xP
    I didn't think it was that funny, but it's a quite nice idea. ^^
    I think I've also seen a parody of NGE once, that was also quite awesome xD
  8. No. I looked at the thread a couple of times though. I like anime, but I haven't really been watching a lot of it lately. Idk if you know what an "anime abridged" series is, but that's what I'm REALLY into these days. These are all over Youtube.

    Here's a link if you want to watch an episode from Death Note abridged. These guys are really talented and funny. I watch many more series than this, but these guys are probably my favorite:

    YouTube - DN TAS (Pilot)
  9. I'm also surprised I didn't even notice the mistake.. normally I see every mistake and laugh about it. xD

    Hehe, I also visited your page a few times, because I saw that you'd visited mine. xD I don't quite remember, but.. are you also in the Anime Fanatics Club? ^^
  10. Hahaha. It was there so I had to do it. I was actually surprised that Che didn't point that out.

    No, we've never officially talked or anything, but I've read a bunch of your posts. And I visited your page a couple of times. And I know that you play bass guitar and are into anime. No, I'm not a forum stalker.
  11. "DESSERT CASTLE??? I don't remember any "dessert castle" but I think that's FREAKING AWESOME!!! I would LOVE to have a castle made out of desserts! I probably wouldn't own it very long, because I would probably eat it as soon as I moved into it."

    MWAHAHHAHA XDDDD Made my day, seriously, I laughed so much about it... XD
    Btw. have we ever talked to each other? I've seen you around so much on the forum but I can't remember ever talking to you. ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11