For the most part it has always been Meier. When I first joined up it was Xenogold but I grew sick of it fast (after 2 weeks) Then at some point I changed my name to Crimson Sorrow, that lasted about a week and couldn't stand it and reverted back. I have used Meier for many years at other forums. Couldn't agree more with the first line.
Yes, vets need to come back and cure the animals! Uh.. haha. I mean come back and post on TFF! =] Yes, I am only 8 years old, but I have an extraordinarily large brain... Was your name always Meier Link? I don't know if I remember you, but then again, I was gone around your join date xD Well, nice to meet you! ^^
So I figured I would drop in just to say hey. Glad to see another Vet back. Love your DOB haha. See you around.