Conversation Between Tietsu and ViviMasterMage

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Are you Miguel A. Medina Jr.?
  2. thanks i hope so too
    hey um do u have a facebook cuz i added someone and i was wondering if it was u
  3. That's fine, it sounds good. ^^
  4. ^^ ok thanks ill make sure to do that
    hey um im going to start writing a fanfic of final fantasy 1-9 and maybe 10 and 13 when 13 comes out and well i would like it if u read it
    but i must warn u in my story many people die in it even the ones i like but i all comes together in the end ^^:
  5. That's pretty good, you should of been fighting Gruda's on top of Gizmaluke's Groto. I got to level 43 there, then started to fight Grand Dragons but I gave up.
  6. well right now im in treno so my party is amarant eiko and vivi (of course vivi) and im lvl 28
  7. Oh I'm great.
    That's good, I wouldn't ask me about it though, I'll just blurt the ending out so I'll keep my mouth shut!
    What level are your guys and who are you using?
  8. im very good and u
    i just skipped 8 and started playing 9 im on the third disc and LOVE the game i feel bad for vivi though seeing as it sems that his life spam is a year hope he is ok at the end of the game ^^
  9. Hey Tietsu! Haven't spoken in a while! How are you?
  10. never mind
  11. Huh?
  12. oh wow was still in school
  13. Nothing, I broke up from school today *Waves Lighter in the air* Six weeks of SUMMER
  14. thanks, so wats up
  15. Yep
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 38
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