Conversation Between Sarah and Pete

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sometimes it feels like we've been here longer than some members have been alive.
  2. Thanks Pete. Can you believe how old we're all getting? Oy!
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. I didn't get to talk to him for too long, but it seems like he's doing well. He's going to school still, from what I understand.
  5. Heh, no way! What's he been up to?

    I haven't spoken to him in about 5 years now.
  6. Funny that you would mention Spekkio in Bunny's thread. I just talked to him the other day.
  7. Hmmm... This will require some thought.
  8. That is totally up to you two. You guys won the bid, you get to decide.
  9. So, uh... what are me and Alisyn supposed to do with you now? Haha. Beside pillow fighting, of course.
  10. Y'know, I like you too, Sarah. We're two people well versed in common sense.
  11. You know what, Pete? I like you. You've got good ideas.
  12. YES! This is an excellent idea. Are we to take over Word Games with it, though? I fear what would come of that with its current state. To General Chat with it! Yes... excellent. *twiddles fingers*
  13. I kind of blame society and the games in general. Back in the day, you had to know how to read to understand the games. Nowadays, you just wind up watching the games instead of playing them, since everything is voice acted, so the games can't even teach you proper grammar or anything to even fake intelligence these days.

    Oh and I blame word games. I want to come up with some kind of intelligent word game. Something like "word of the day," where I'd post a word, and the next person defines it, uses it in a sentence and posts a new word. Hooray learning!
  14. Pete, when did Final Fantasy fans get so stupid? I don't remember it being like this when I was in middle school. I blame 7. Damn you, arbitrary number!
  15. Aye. I'm sick of seeing these forums empty and intellectually barren. Down with Word Games! Pete for S-Mod!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 23
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