Conversation Between MILK and Fate

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. Whoo, that must suck. Have you ever seen the Red Rocks of Colorado yet? Yeah, the rocks are actually red in color.
  2. yeah tornados hit Indy pretty hard were in the tornado highway
  3. It's such a safe and secure place. We're surrounded by mountains, as you know, and they protect us, so we never get any bad weather other than an occasional blizzard or tornado and tons of snow.
  4. it depends really actually really nice because it gets a mix of several climate zones. southern part is hilly northern is like flatlands.....southern about Colo? my uncle used to live there
  5. How is Indiana anyway? I've heard so little about the state.
  6. hey now i have a big red button with Colorado's name on it so dont make me...hahaha
  7. Colorado > Indiana!
  8. 10:45 here.....but just look at that book thats where ralz wrote it......(creeps up)
  9. It's 8:45 over here.
  10. T.G. Cid
    Today 06:42 PM - permalink
    T.G. Cid
    just look in that book case over there...

    (slips knife behind my back)
  11. Really now? Hmm... Where did you read that?
  12. my my...heard mr. ralz plans to overthrow you in a PM.. you should look into that
  13. There is now reward. However, if you refuse to help, consider yourself thrown in the sea!^^
  14. thats what his idea was but i believe its called getting what is due to me.....i have watched you rule the fatherland for many years and held my tounge but now it is time for a........"reward" if you will haha
  15. So you and Ralz are sucking up because you want rewards?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 34
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