Conversation Between IceColdPillow and Kilala

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Of course I'd love to be a part of your family if there is a space left!
  2. Hello! TFF council is going good, thanks for letting me join

    but, i ask one more thing of you, my TFF family is small and only [actually only one member], would you grace the the list of my family?! xD
  3. Awesome! And a huggle is a hug x3 Like a glomp or a glomple... <_<!!!! You must spread them around *GLOMPS*
  4. Haha alright i will xD *Huggle*?? haha
  5. Your more than welcome ^_^! Ever want a chat, just drop a line! *Huggle*
  6. Hey! thanks for the welcoming xD
  7. Howdy, welcome to TFF!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7