Conversation Between Darkwave and Fate

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. no, fate. and thats final. lol (always wanted to use that line)
  2. Fine! How about 3%?
  3. I am sorry fate but i can't. i got a partner and 2 kids to deal with
  4. Just 5%?
  5. Can't got to look after my family or otherwise i would lol
  6. Mail me some money!
  7. storeman
  8. What's your job?
  9. lol, but they can't turn fast. I should of been an rally driver because of all the dirt and mud up here
  10. Then you should be a Nascar racer!
  11. no, lol wish. nah it is part of my job.
  12. Racing! As in street racing?
  13. sweet. I been busy racing around . now i get to chill out a bit
  14. As of the moment, I am playing in the dark!
  15. Hello, what have you been upto?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 37
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