Conversation Between Darkwave and Ralz

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Right then, GOOD night!
  2. Alrighty, i'll talk to you later. goodnight and sweet dreams.
  3. Well, in any case... I guess I'd better turn in for the night. It's 3 AM over here!
  4. I used to only drink spirits until i tried a beer and i quite enjoyed it. It has to be a good beer to actually enjoy it
  5. The best I could see myself drinking alcohol is fine wine at a fancy get-together, or at least at someone's birthday party, and not get ADDICTED to beer like my dad is.
  6. You should. I only drink like that if it is a big party or something like that but with a group of mates i only have 3-4 and thats it
  7. I suddenly imagine myself in a bar drunk, high, and stoned, but I don't care.
  8. I never use to until i was 18 but now i am 23 and still enjoy it lol
  9. Got a tall one? Haha, but I don't drink... yet.
  10. I think that you will,lol. I know a person who come up with good sayings but only when he is
  11. Well, guess I should find some more... someday... yeah.
  12. lol. of course you did.
  13. Unfortunately, it's a one-time deal. Use it wisely, as I'm all out of inspirational speeches... wait, did I have any to begin with?
  14. thanks ralz. lol and only if i could use it for good
  15. Haha! Good luck out there, though. You have Ralz's blessings, and so there's no way you'll get hurt!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 43
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