Conversation Between Xanatos and Rowan

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. I think I owe you an apology, I promised you some sketches a while ago and I still haven't delivered them. I'm not really good at keeping promises it seems, you're not the only one waiting for your drawings =D Thing is, I'm really busy right now, and while those sketches wouldn't take much of my time my mind is simply somewhere else, once again I apologize.

    Also, I like you avatar, X-Files FTW!
  2. Despite all it's flaws, and trust me there are quite a few, Digimon World 2 is still one of my favorite games. It's due to DNA limitation this game is tedious to play, I swear, if I didn't use an emulator and it's fast forward option I would give up on this game long time ago. Digimon World 2 can be described as one huge grind fest, all you do is grind, and when your digimon reaches his cap limit you DNA digivolve it with other digimon and then grind some more, repeat process several times until you have a team strong enough to proceed further. Thing is, it's hard to earn experience as battles are long and challenging. As for you Digimon, it's MegaSeadramon which digivolves to MetalSeadramon. And yes, they really should release more games on PSN.
  3. Aye I was just browsing and I read that you enjoy digimon world 2. That was one of my favorites! It bothered me a little though that in order to continue to level up beyond (i think its 13 or 14 at first?) you have to combine digimon and then level them back up again. I remember levelling up one (I dont remember its name, but its in the opening movie, its like a snake with a laser on its head, but really big and can fly) and i got it to level 31, but it capped there and I wasnt able to get its ultimate attack. I was so bummed cause I didnt want to combine it for fear of it evolving into something I didnt want. Anyway, I hope they release more games on the psn cause id really like to play that again and I cant be bothered hooking up my ps1 these days.
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