Conversation Between Xanatos and JillXWesker

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  1. Yeah, Bleach did get kinda boring after the first few episodes...
  2. I actually hate horror movies, not because they scare me, it's just the opposite, they don't. "The Others" and "The Descent" are among few that actually managed to creep me out. I love movies with nice twist to them, "The Prestige", "Lucky Number Slevin", "Shawshank Redemption",..., though if I had to pick certain genre it would definitely be thriller.

    Fruits Basket is one of my favorite anime shows, the more I see it the more I love it. Bleach though was entertaining at first but lost momentum rather fast, fillers and author himself killed that show, lately it's like they're pulling the main story out of their ass.
  3. Omg... Twilight is... ugh... So damn horrible. I REALLY don't like Stephen Meyer... AT ALL. Movies eh? I like Harry Potter, Horror films (The crappy ones that you can predict who dies next are my favorites!), comedies, and such as that. I mainly stick to comedy (American Dad, Family Guy, SNL etc), anime (Fruits basket, bleach) and cooking shows for television entertainment . I also like animal shows as well because I LOVE animals.
  4. OK, now I know you like great music, what kind of movies (please don't say Twilight) and TV shows do you like?
  5. Well, that's what's awesome about this album, she actually wrote the songs with the band which makes it even awesomer!
  6. She seems polite, doesn't mean she is. After all, none of us know her on personal level so who's to say what kind of person she is. Tarja got kicked out because greed got best of her and she didn't give a shit about other members.
  7. I still don't understand why they left because Amy seems like the most polite gal around.

    You're welcome
  8. True, she didn't fire single member, but she was the main reason many left. That's why I like Nightwish, every member counts, that's why Tarja got her ass handed to her. I personally like both, even though they have similar voice it's all about which style you prefer.

    Goddamn, this sound great. I envy you a bit, can't wait to get my hand on their new album, and thanks for the link.
  9. Actually, I don't think Amy has fired any of the band members. Moody left the band because creative differences between him and Amy. But, I must admit, Bury Me Alive is actually a good song... But I still think Amy's a better singer because she's more crisp and clear than Carly is. But Carly IS a good singer.
    I got the Deluxe Edition of "Evanescence" and it came 16 songs, there's four bonus songs such as "The Secret Door" which is one of my favorite ones because she actually plays the harp! But some of the albums songs that just struck me as the best has to be either "What You Want" (Here's the link to the music video Evanescence - What You Want - YouTube) and "Lost In Paradise.
    Love Jill
  10. As she should have been. Those who complain about We Are The Fallen. claiming it's another copy of Evanescence are utter idiots who have been, still are actually, disrespectful and rude, they deserve no better. Moody is founder of both bands, not to mention half of the former Evanescence cast who have been ditched by Amy Lee herself, of course there will be similarities.

    As for their new album, I'm ashamed to say I haven't heard single track on it, but looking forward to it as I've heard and read some great things regarding their new album.
  11. Carly just pissed me off when I heard her in an interview being extremely rude about people comparing WATF to Evanescence and she even said "I've never heard their music." when she performed Bring Me to Life on American Idol. She just pisses me off to no end...
    But anyways... have you heard any of Evanescence's new music? It's freaking brilliant!
  12. "Thoughtless". It's on one of their DvD/CD compilations called "Anywhere but Home". While not that bad, Amy Lee failed to bring all the rage and anger original artist managed to place into it.
  13. What song did she remake?
  14. So does Katherine Jenkins as well as many other performers, some might resent Amy Lee for performing songs made by Korn, hell, she even remade one of their songs which ended on one of Evanescence albums. Should she be called bitch for that, well, I'll leave that up to you.
  15. I just plain don't like Carly... because she plays Evanescence songs live and to my ears, she completely kills them in a bad way. I just think she's such a bitch for doing that.
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