Conversation Between Xanatos and Ethan Blitzball King

93 Visitor Messages

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  1. I hope so it seems as if everyone is gone and alot of people removed me from friends lists and stuff like that the few times I talked to anyone on here people seemed mad at me for leaving but oh well i'm glad to see your still around and man this place has changed im having a hard time finding anything
  2. I see, glad you came back alive and well. Your family must be relieved to have you back. TFF has certainly seen better days, though I'm sure it will get on its feet soon.
  3. I've been in war for 3 years you tell me anyways i'm alive and i'm well I see this place needs the party back guess I came at a good time oh bro the stories i've got its been a long time
  4. Well hello, long time no see, how have you been?
  5. Hello Xanatos my old friend
  6. I've seen better days, had some problems on uni last week, luckily the issue solved itself, turns out it was misunderstanding on their part. How have you been?
  7. Its been a very long time man hows life treating ya
  8. Cheers I'm gonna post more today
  9. Sounds good, by the way I'll have a Stella Artois, chears mate...
  10. Same to you man lets celebrate with a drink *passes around some drinks*
  11. Same as me then, I guess this is your comeback to TFF, if so then welcome back buddy.
  12. Busy with work and stuff I have been offline for almost 4 months now
  13. Indeed, I was absent for couple of months, had to take care of few things. It's nice to see familiar faces still spending their time on TFF, but anyways, how have you been mate?
  14. Yo Xanatos been a while since I last saw you man
  15. ah I see cool
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 93
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