Conversation Between Xanatos and Fate

106 Visitor Messages

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  1. "What You Want" & "The Change", these two are excellent, as for other songs on that album, I can live without them. And yes, Fallen is indeed their best album.
  2. Ah, that album. I tried to like it, but I just...couldn't. About half the album in, I sort of just gave up because everything started to sound just so similar. I wasn't a big fan of the direction they took. I still think Fallen is their best album.

    Hopefully, We Are The Fallen will be just as good as they are if they make another album.

    Hope you enjoy, and you're welcome~
  3. Latest album I got my hands on was Evanescence by, well, Evanescence. They managed to do a solid work, few truly excellent tracks. As for Xandria, I'll definitely look into it, to be honest I still have to go through few of their old albums. However, this song sounds great, the new singer has quite a voice. You have yet to disappoint me with your recommendations, similar taste in music I guess, so I'm looking forward to this one and thanks.
  4. I don't know how much you're keeping up with Xandria, but they had a new album out a few weeks ago. New singer this time. Amazing.

  5. Thank you, good sir! I'll have a wonderful day for sure!
  6. All the best wishes for your birthday Fate.
  7. I had a pretty bad Easter myself. xD Everyone was going on a trip and I missed out on it because of school work. Still, there's always next year, I guess, but it sounded pretty fun.
  8. Childish, the exact word I was looking for.

    Good to hear that you're doing well, as for myself, I'm doing OK, seen better days though. It's Easter so I'm either expecting guests, or visiting others myself, always on a move.
  9. I'd say. xD And their comments are like those of the anti-Anette groups on YouTube. After about four years, they still don't stop with the comments. It's like they're TRYING to be childish.

    I'm doing wonderfully well; it's kinda stressful towards the end of the year with projects and finals and stuff, but I'm managing them well. =) How about you?
  10. Well, that's rather stupid, and rude on their part, their loss, I guess.

    No matter how many comments I read, these kind of people never seize to amaze me. Aside the music, how have you been, how's school going?
  11. I actually HATE Xandria (the group). After Lisa left, she decided to help them out with one last show, only to find out they were spreading lies about her and her leaving.

    And yeeaahh, those idiots are on every symphonic/gothic metal/rock video. There are three main bands that can be compared with virtually ANY other band of the same genre: Evanescence, Nightwish, and Within Temptation. x_x It's sad.
  12. Well then, I'm looking forward to hearing rest of their songs. And what's with the comparion with Evanescence, are those guys on youtube deaf or what, I have yet to notice any similarities whatsoever.
  13. Ooh, two of my favourite by them. And thank you very much. XD They have a beautiful song called Eversleeping, one with a great chorus called Winterhearted, and many other amazing ones. I personally love it mostly because of the singer, Lisa Middelhauve. She isn't the greatest singer in the world, but her diversity as a symphonic singer is incredible. I've heard her sing "normally," with a naturally distorted voice, doing operatic vocals, and grunt.
  14. Never heard of them to be honest, though what I'm hearing right now is great, "In Love With The Darkness", and "Save my Life" are heading to my mobile as we speak.

    You sure do have great taste in music.
  15. Hello, there! A thought just came to my mind and urged me to ask you a question. XD Do you happen to like Xandria (or just Lisa Middelhauve)?
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