Conversation Between Xanatos and Martin

5 Visitor Messages

  1. You don't need to explain yourself, for the most part you are right, though you have to understand how irritating it can be to "debate" with a person who likes to make these ridiculous points, but doesn't want to, or rather can't defend them... after a while you just lose your patience.
  2. I am being totally honest. I don't have an issue with you at all - I find that we actually agree on a lot of things. I just think you'd make your point a little better if you were a little calmer that's all. No hard feelings I hope.
  3. Thank you very much
  4. Happy birthday, hope you have a good one.
  5. There is totally a difference between Pepsi and Coke! Don't believe the disbelievers!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5