Conversation Between Kilala and Fate

612 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lil' me can't drink all that. xD But wow, very generous, huh?

    Uhm, proof, let's see... Ah! I've got nothing. (X.X)
  2. Water? -Brings you a whole waterfall and valley- ...

    I do? Hmm.. I stil want something ^~
  3. Yay, and I'll start eating! xD Now I need some water...

    I need no statement, because you KNOW it's true. ^_~
  4. XD Well then we have absolutely nothing to worry about eh? I'll start baking haha!

    Oh really? What evidence do you have for that statement hmmm?
  5. Whoo-hoo! =D I'll probably get fat. x3 Though I found at at some point it's really hard for me to; I weight like 85 pounds, which is like 38.5 kilograms?

    Naw, I'm VERY persuasive, you know?
  6. Yes,you get one for each picture ^~ It's a deal.

    Hmm I like this plan alot, but what if he doesn't give anything ;;
  7. Welcome! ^__^ Yay, pound cake! xD Do I get one each time I show you pictures?

    But it I were to steal it, sell it, get the money, I could bribe the guy into giving you better stuff. xD
  8. -Dive huggle tackles you- Thankies ^____^ -bakes pound cake for you- XD

    You wouldn't steal it... it would be like... ripping out my heart O_O
  9. Heh-heh, wait no more; sent! xD *glomps*
    Is it anti-Fate, too? Because I might steal it~
  10. Okie! Coolies ^^ I can't wait hehe -glomps-

    Of course, and anti-zombie spray.
  11. Haha, okeey, then! ^_^ Pics are from before my hair was butchered, by the way. =3

    With automatic bug spray!
  12. =O Really? Omigosh would be so cool! Please! ^___^

    NU they won't! It is protected xD
  13. Oh, really? xD Want me to PM you some pics, then?

    Watch out, the buggies might get it! D=
  14. Nu you haven't shown me -pouts-

    Yes... it is locked away... I LUFF THAT HAT O_O
  15. Sunkist, I'm drinking it right now. xD One Tree Hill~? Which reminds me, have I ever showed you what I look like? xD
    Hahaha, is it inside a glass box in your room for safe-keeping?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 612
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