Conversation Between Kilala and Ralz

238 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aww Ralz! Did you really miss me? -Blush-

    I'm so honoured -bows humbly-
  2. It's just good that you're back! I kept counting the days for this.

    *super huggles*
  3. Haha, don't eat your eyes!!!!! You must keep them <3333333

    I am back ^^ Just had to sort out some stuff which took a looong time x.x Sorry bout that <333

    I missed ya Ralz! -HUGGLE-
  4. Nova: "Ralz is going to eat his head!"

    *currently working on the eyes*

    ZOMG! ZOMG! ZOMG! x one million

    YOU! ARE! BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BEST. DAY. EVER!!!
  5. Just here to drop my respects. Still patiently awaiting your return, with sadness.
  6. I'll miss you, Kilala. That's no lie.
  7. This is far worse than the internet fiasco, you know! D8>
  8. Yep!
  9. I do like them! ^^ I shall definitely get around to it x3 Especially if Ralz recommends it!<3
  10. Yes! You should try them out, if action adventure games are your thing, that is!
  11. I've never played any of the Zelda games... any good? :3
  12. Oh, I'm alright, just got done with this game: Zelda: Twilight Princess, which took forever to beat!
  13. And how are you today Ralz? *Huggles and glomples*
  14. Yayzles!
  15. Yay! *Dances with you happily* :3
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 238
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