Conversation Between Alpha and T.G. Oskar

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Since the visitor messages are kinda restrictive, I'll attempt to go full through PM. However, just as a heads up:

    Deep Dungeon was on the PSX original version. Heck, that's the original name of the dungeon (the PSP version is called Midlight's Deep). Mostly, the main idea of the dungeon is to find the door to the next room, in a place that's nearly completely dark.

    Few recommendations I'd add would be: get one character with as low a Brave as possible (around 12 Brave, even if the character threatens to leave), give it Move-Find Item/Treasure Hunter. As well, any characters with Teleport or high Move rate are excellent, since it shows you the layout of the map. Kill all enemies and hope they drop crystals, since that automatically lights up the dungeon. Keep one enemy alive and try finding the door.

    Deep Dungeon is more than worthwhile, since it gives you the strongest equipment in the game. As well, you can get the strongest Summoner spell in the game (Zodiac/Zodiark), several creatures to tame and pouch, and the infamous Ninjas that throw extremely good items at you.

    Any level is fine (game relates your level to Ramza's level, so your group should be nearly as high as Ramza does)

    In any case you have more questions, place them at a PM (or why not, place the questions on the main thread) and I'll answer them.
  2. Hey, we've never talked, but I've read many of your posts in the past, and I'm aware that you're very intelligent, but also f*cking awesome at FFT (or, at least very knowledgeable).

    I'm thinking of picking up my nearly-complete FFT: WOTL game in a few weeks, and I'm just wondering if you can spare any advice in regards to the so-called "Deep Dungeon"?

    Was this in the original? I missed out when that was around, and it's not on PSN where I live.

    I just need some advice for it. Is it worth doing? If so, what level should I be? Any particular jobs/abilities I could do with? How does it work? Etc.

    Many thanks if you can help!
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