Conversation Between Alpha and RamesesII

78 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lest we forget buddy Lest we forget.
  2. Haha, my hand and I are feeling good!
  3. I suppose congrats is in order, how does it feel to be the first married homosexual couple in NZ
  4. No worries bud but that doesn't mean I wont give you cheek during the Rugby haha
  5. Thanks man, means a lot.
  6. I never personally congratulated you on your promotion haha grats Alpha, they took their time realizing you were here and moderator worthy though I am surprised that hadn't picked you up sooner.
    Anyway well deserved cheers.
  7. I don't know which is more amusing they dingo eating baby reference or the play on the words from the song, but I find it quite cleverly done haha
  8. So there was this lady who need some painting done inside her house but she had contacted several contracted painters and she either wasn't to happy about their quote or the contractors didn't agree with the work she was enquiring about.
    One day she came home from work and noticed some handyman working at the house next door to her, so proceeded to go over there to see if they would be interested in applying for the work she needed done.
    The owner/operator of the business had no problems with her expectations and was quite happy to start the job as soon as they had finished next door.

    He did have one inquiry however as to what colours she wanted, so the lady took him inside and they looked at the first room. She told the man "I would like this room in a light pink"
    The man nodded and said "Just excuse me for one second" walked to a window overlooking the other job site and shouted "GREEN SIDE UP!"

    Well the lady was quite shocked and was intrigued as to why he was yelling this to his workers next door, a thought crossed her mind that it was instructions about her job but was quite puzzled as to why he was yelling green.
    They went to the next room "Could I have this room a nice warm red or earth colour please"
    The man nodded excused himself again, and again shouted out the window "GREEN SIDE UP!"
    The woman jumped from fright and was starting to regret asking this man to paint her house wondering if he was listening to a word she was saying.
    Anyway she showed him the last room and in a questioning voice asked "Is it possible to do this room with a deep purple wall there and the rest light blue?"
    The man agreed and nodded and once again went to the window and shouted "GREEN SIDE UP!"

    By this time that lady had had enough, in a frustrating tone she asked him "Why on god's earth are you shouting those instructions to your men when not one of my rooms have I asked for any shade of green?!"
    The man quite taken aback apologetically said
    "I am so sorry ma'am I just have some kiwis next door laying turf and I have to remind them the green side goes up."
  9. Really how strange, It would be good to see that trend reciprocated here in Australia with NZ anthem
  10. We sung the Australian anthem after the New Zealand one at our ANZAC ceremony this year. First time I've seen that but apparently it's a growing trend across NZ.
  11. And to you mate, lest we forget.
  12. Happy ANZAC day mate have a good one.
  13. Breakers
  14. I bet she wishes this would shoo...
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