Conversation Between Alpha and nix

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday buddy! Have a good one!
  2. rofl exactly what i got it from, except its a film, not book
  3. haha i know i have it myself, its a nightmare to text on, sadly as the rest of the phone is great Although mines on the way out i think, main button is becoming slow at responding, have to press it down really hard, think ill try an android phone next
  4. Yes I am FML who designed this ficking sorllchecket
  5. They are my two favourite vocalists of all time, and No Quarter is my favourite Zeppelin song, so Maynard's version made me incredibly happy. I can't get over Salival at the moment, it's so brilliant.
  6. Oh ive heard the zepplin version before, its just i listen to so much music that it took me awhile to make the connection. i was listening to salival alot recently and i had my mp3 on shuffle and the zepplin version came on but i thought it was tools version until the vocals kicked in, i was like "thats not maynard"
  7. Haha yeah my girlfriend loves the Tool cover of it, but I still think the Zeppelin one is done a lot better. Download the Zeppelin version, it's way more eerie. It sort of sounds like Plant sings underwater.
  8. Currently listening to:
    -the album Salival from Tool

    Best damn live album ever I just recently found out "No quarter" was a zepplin cover, damn my lack of zepplin knowledge!!
  9. Haha ty for the ty
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9