Conversation Between Pete and che

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. I DO wanna be a part of it! Just seems pretty straight forward. I guess sometimes we have to explain our reasoning, even if its ridiculous. haha. Our birthdays are coming up in the next couple months. Hope you get everything you've ever wanted bruh!
  2. haha awesome. whats happening in the real world?
  3. WELL GOOD. I've been great! So much shit going on irl now, I'm way diggin it!
  4. haha I might just be thinking more clearly than in a while. Howve you been brosef?
  5. just dudes being dudes... with dudes
  6. Sounds good. Let's drop the toga though. Time to step it up and go naked.
  7. I'm thinking we're gonna need a lot of beers and perhaps a toga party
  8. Haha, kinda both. It's a popular thing, but can't go around acting like it is or you become arrogant. But you still have to know it is.
  9. I can't tell if that was serious or sarcasm with the crown
  10. 72 cans and waiting on my friends
  11. I drank all my gin. ****.
  12. I also have beer
  13. Basically.
  14. cut my life into pieces!
  15. penis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 59
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