Conversation Between Pete and Alpha

51 Visitor Messages

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  1. Level grinding, or just a ramped-up difficulty? I found that I never had to do any extra effort for VI. Occasionally a boss may have threw me, but it was usually equipment-related rather than anything else.

    I think I had that issue with V too, but I remember that changing jobs was useful. I dunno, I'll have to play it again soon in a few weeks when I'm on break.
  2. My major problem with V was that you had to do an insane amount of level grinding just to be able to fight the regular random battles. I mean, it probably didn't help that I wasn't too dedicated to it, but I remember there would be some areas with low level enemies mixed right in with battles much harder than the last boss I had fought.
  3. What let me down about VI was that it posed absolutely no challenge. None at all. Those dragons? Far too easy. V had Shinryu and Omega Weapon, the two hardest bosses of all FF, behind FFX's Penance, of course.

    I remember reading something about how VI was planned for the N64, and I've seen a screen shot or a concept or something, and it looked something like FFVII. That wouldn't have been a remake right? Wouldn't it have just replaced the SNES version of VI? I heard that VI with improved graphics was too much for the N64, so they just settled with the SNES, and worked on VII for the PS. Then again, I have no idea where I heard all this, and it could be that I've just convinced myself that it's all true.

    Where was I? Oh yeah. If they remade VI, they'd have to add some crazy ass boss to make it worthwhile. VI is fun, but there's no incentive to work in it. That's sorta my beef with all the NES/SNES era games, and why I'm a big fan of V.
  4. If they remade VI it would be a dream come true. I remember WAY back in the day, when the 64 first came out, they were trying to remake VI for it, but it never happened. As for V, I was never really a fan of it, but when I played it, I was 13 and jumped the gun on every single class without mastering any. I wouldn't put it past Square though; they'll remake anything if it can turn a profit.
  5. Just an aside; now that they've remade III and IV for the DS, do you think they will remake V and VI for the next generation Nintendo handheld?
  6. No problem man. I'll probably be starting up the PS version of IV once I'm done replaying VI.
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